Coming up - The HarvestFest! As I write, the fence is going up for the new Urban Orchard, and the session is getting their taste buds ready for the Baking Contest Judging. Come in the morning to help, come after Noon for the food & fun, or do a bit of everything. Sometime after the baking contest, there will be the Rock-Paper-Scissors Tourney! Top Prizes for both the Baking Contest and the R-P-S Tourney include MP3 Players, Safety lights, books, and inscribed medals. Come out and enjoy some friendly competition. Enjoy the goings-on This Saturday, October 31st. Bring can goods for our fledgling Can Drive.
Save the Date - Saturday, November 21st a RoadTrip to Philadelphia Premier Outlets.
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Let us be your stepping stone!
Peace to your house,
Mike & Amy K.
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