Howdy YAs!
If you aren't part of Jeff & Rachel's wedding (Congrats Guys!) then come spend the day in the Garden!
Saturday, October 31st celebrate with us as the Roxborough Presbyterian Community Garden Expands - With it's Own Orchard!
With the help of Philadelphia Orchard Project, we'll be putting in a small organic orchard, located behind the current boundary of the garden. We'll also be expanding the garden forward toward Ridge Avenue, to accommodate more plots.
So come and either get your hands dirty, watch the progress, or join in some Harvest Food & Fun!
Lend a hand in planting a new orchard at the Roxborough Presbyterian Community Garden.
Part of the Church's HarvestFest event (8am-3pm), with garden tours, a cookout, baking contest, games, music, and more!
RAINDATE (Planting only): 11/1 @ 1pm
Proposed Timeline
8am-12pm - working the garden/Garden tours/
10am - Working with Philadelphia Orchard Project to Plant Fruit Orchard Addition to the Garden
12pm-1pm - Hotdogs and snacks
1pm - An old fashioned Session Judged Baking Contest.
2pm - Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament
1:30pm to 3pm - Sharing Historical documents and objects, Kids Games, Tables of Various Ministry Information, Music or sing along
Any Questions, let us know!

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