Happy November RPC YAs!
We had a wet but productive day for the HarvestFest. Seven fruit trees, and a row of blueberry were planted with the help of Phil and Annie from the Philadelphia Orchard Project. Also, RPC YA Diane came in first with her baked goodness of mint, and peanutbutter and I'm not sure what else - the recipe will be in the December Lamplighter I believe - but it was yummy!. Her winnings included a MP3 player, cookbook, and inscribed medal. You can see pictures of the goings-on here Just click the link "The Orchard is In!" Because of the weather and turn out, we were unable to do the Rock-Paper-Scissors Tourney, so we'll let you know when that is rescheduled.
As Christians, we are called to feed others, not just spiritually, but to meet physical needs as well. We'd like to sponsor a local family for the holidays, but before committing to any organization, want to be sure that the RPC YA Group would be involved. If this would be an outreach you would feel led to assist in, let us know. Roxborough Presbyterian Church in the past has "adopted" a family for the holidays. We could be part of that, or have an outreach to a family that is the RPC YA Group's alone. In the very least we can be part of a can drive to help our local community. We need to know, however, your level of commitment.
What's coming up for RPC YAs?? Quite a bit!
Sunday, November 15th at 6:30pm is the Northwestern Christian Alliance Praise and Prayer - hosted by RPC. We'd like to make that a can drive as well. For more information, check with Bob DiCicco.
Saturday, November 21st wil be a RoadTrip to Philadelphia Premium Outlets. Should we use RoadAbode as a home base for that, maybe cook up some soup to keep warm? Let us know!
Tuesday, December 1st at 6pm Do a Night hike in the Wissahickon until 7:30pm. Come earlier for a hot dog fireside or bring your own vittles. Let us know if you plan on attending so we can let the ranger know a headcount.
Sunday, December 13th at 6pm Christmas Music Extravaganza at Simpson House. RPC will be conducting a mission outreach to the senior community at Simpson House, a United Methodist Retirement Community, located on Belmont Avenue. This will be a great time of holiday fellowship and bringing cheer to senior citizens. If you wish to join us for that evening please contact Scott Granato.
Saturday, December 19th at 6pm Live Nativity at Merrymead Farm. Narration and song will help tell the Christmas Story of Christ's Birth. This is outside, so dress warm!
Sunday, December 20th at 10:30am Enjoy the Christmas Cantata "A Night to Remember" at Roxborough Presbyterian
In the Works...
In March - A weekend RPC YA retreat, including Maple Sugaring? Interested? Let us know!
In April - A Trip to Lancaster or Longwood? Interested? Let us know!
In June - A RoadTrip to enjoy the family-friendly Comedy of Tim Hawkins? Interested? Let us know!
Questions or comments drop us a line.
Peace to your house RPC YAs,
Mike & Amy K
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