If you enjoy the outdoors, and want to be more environmentally aware, or think the community should be too - Check in with RPC YA Elizabeth V . and the community outreach she's heading up - RPCG - Roxborough Presbyterian Community Garden. Elizabeth has been working hard planning, laying out and gathering support and sponsors for the Garden. The Garden is located at the corner of the church property at Port Royal and Ridge Avenues. Last night together we built a small bridge over the swale that runs along the driveway to the Annex and storage shed. This Saturday April 25th, she'll be working with volunteers to install the first example plot. Upcoming activities include building rain barrels to conserve water, compost bins to recycle and reuse, and a "Rock-the-Garden" event to sign-up and build; plus plan and plant together. Help RPC help our surrounding community. For more info on upcoming opportunities to be involved, or if you would like to reserve a plot, please contact Elizabeth or myself .

Hope to see YAs Out!
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