While stopping by the Church to handle signing some paperwork, I saw a congregation member intently staring at Pastor Bronc's picture in the Welcome Center. As I approached, they were so taken they did not even hear me. I stood behind, and cleared my throat. This person, a member of many years was finally startled out of her trance-like state."Oh hi there," she said, still in a partial daze, "sorry, didn't hear you come in." "No worries" I replied. "What you looking at there?" I asked. "Well, my eyes maybe failing me, but I think I see something in Pastor Bronc's beard - though I can't make it out." I started to look over her shoulder, as she said, "Well, I need to be going, enjoy your evening!" I too stared at Pastor Bronc's beard. And sure enough, saw something. I took a picture with my camera phone of the photograph, and emailed it to myself for further analysis. Below are my findings.
This Photo shows the original photograph. on Pastor Bronc's left cheek seems to be hairs groomed a certain way. Do you see?

Below I marked the area so it is able to be make out more easily. There did seem to be
something there. 
Using some of the software tools I have available I magnified and enlarged the area. Looks like a ...picture of some sort.....

I then un-pixileated and enhanced the lines and colors. What I found is pictured below.
A Picture of Jesus! Yup, Our Lord and Savior's image appears to be in Pastor Bronc's Beard! Next time you see him, go up, say hello, and stare intently to find the image. I'm sure Pastor Bronc won't mind.
Of course, to have Jesus in your life, just accept Him as your Lord and Savior. You can talk about that with Pastor Bronc too!
(Or me, if I'm around - though I don't have a cool, Jesus image beard!)
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