Howdy RPC YAs!
There is nothing as Constant as Change, so says the Greek Philosopher Heraclitus. Or if you love 70's-80's glam rockers, Davie Bowie's Changes re-inerates the fact by saying we need to accept change as an inevitable part of life.
In June - A RoadTrip to enjoy the family-friendly Comedy of Tim Hawkins? Interested? Let us know!

There is nothing as Constant as Change, so says the Greek Philosopher Heraclitus. Or if you love 70's-80's glam rockers, Davie Bowie's Changes re-inerates the fact by saying we need to accept change as an inevitable part of life.
So What's Changing?
After listening to your needs and input, we're going to change the way the discussion groups meet. The RPC YA Group is going to start First Saturdays, where every month the first Saturday we will meet in the Annex Building (Where the RPC office is located) Have a simple meal, and do a study - more centered around Biblical teaching, that relate to your life. After the study, you can hang out for a movie or card and board games, or head out on your own adventure. We'll still have separated childcare for those with little ones during the study portion of the evening. We're hoping to get a solid group that really wants to learn, think about, and commit on how their faith works, and affects their everyday life.
Our first "First Saturday" will be February 6th around 7pm
Also, we'd like to organize some RoadTrips that are "Young Adults Only". We would still be providing babysitting, but it would not be at the venue our RoadTrip is going to. Other Facilitators may lead these outings as well. Any ideas for RoadTrips, let us know.
What's Coming Up and Happening
- re:Fresh Wednesday - 7:30pm - message by Elder Scott Helms - He has a great Sunday 9am Morning Class you should check out.
- This Sunday January 17th, join the RPC Family as we bring a little Joy to those at Andorra Woods Healthcare, near Ridge Pike and Northwestern Avene. Time is 1:30pm - please chat with RPC YA Bob DiCicco for more info.
- Hoagie Coupons - That Benefit the 2010 Mission Trip are available. See Greg G or Kelly G for those before or after re:Fresh, or Sunday Services.
- Agape Feast - Will be held Saturday February 20th - With this year's Theme - Rockin' Thru Time - Check with Any Mission Tripper for Tickets.
- We are trying to get a RPC YA Retreat together for the Weekend of March 12 thru 14th - Friday Night to Sunday Afternoon. Venue is Kirkwood Camp in the Poconos, and we would be doing some outdoor activities - including Maple Sugaring. Cost would be $79 for the weekend, including meals and lodging. Please let us know your interest.
In June - A RoadTrip to enjoy the family-friendly Comedy of Tim Hawkins? Interested? Let us know!
Got Questions? Need Answers? Let Us be your Stepping Stone!
Peace to Your House!
Mike & Amy K.
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