Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Blah Weather Got You Down?

Monday, October 26, 2009
A Call for Help
Howdy RPC YAs.
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in making sure to plan events that are fun or enlightening for everyone to come out to, we forget about the real needs in our own backyard. Fortunately, then God usually sends a wake-up call.
Today's wake-up call came in the form of an email from Megan Terry of North Light Community Center. Megan sent the email below to people she knows are involved in ministries in the Roxborough Area.
What I'm asking is pretty simple. When you go grocery shopping, when you pickup that can of green beans, or can of whatever, pickup an extra or two. Drop it off either at Roxy Pres, or if your in the neighborhood, right at North Light. Let's do this as often as possible, and let's see it make a difference in our own neighborhood. By helping others, we can honor our heavenly Father. Don't worry, there are no downsides to doing this. Reaching out and help your neighbor is what we are told to do.
If you are coming to the HarvestFest - Bring some cans!
Here's part of Megan's email to the Christian Community of Northwest Philly:
Friday I received a call from a gentleman North Light has assisted once before through the FISH food cupboard. He and his wife have fallen on hard times, as many have. They have disabled twin infants and an older toddler. They were in need of a specific formula for the twins (doctor's orders) and diapers for all three. They have applied for state social services and WIC, all of which does not go into effect for a few weeks. He had gone to two churches this morning (in this neighborhood) and been told by both that neither did this.
Now the big question: What would Jesus do???
I understand that everywhere and everyone are struggling. That building costs have increased and we are struggling to support a family at the church…But what about people like the family above? We all (myself included) need to consider what Jesus said in Matthew 25 and act on it. Not just on Sunday, not just in that spare change for a mission overseas, but to see a neighbor has been ill and take over soup, or to set up an emergency fund in our office so that we may run to the market and pick up diapers for a struggling family.
North Light is once again running our Thanksgiving meals and Holiday adopt a family (or more) programs. We also have our year round Friends In Supplying Help (FISH) food cupboard. We could use your help, with these programs. Just 2 weeks ago our food cupboard was down to 19 cans of tomato paste and 6 cans of broth. There was nothing! I went home, I prayed, I brought in what I could from my house, and then a local church held a food drive. The food that filled our kitchen last week is all but gone now. We need a steady supply of shelf stable food and we need money to purchase gift cards for the purchase of items we do not stock like specific formula, diapers (specific sizes and brands makes it very hard to keep a supply) and bread, milk, etc.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
This Weekend - "Fruits of the Spirit" & Hayride and Bonfire

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
What's Coming Up for RPC YAs?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Come out to HarvestFest - Saturday October 31st 2009