Monday, February 9, 2009

Google Yourself Lately? A Note to RPC YAs

Yea, we know, it sounds like something you don't talk about in mixed company.
But seriously, do you know what comes up when you Google your name - or maybe even the email address you give out to Uncle John, Aunt Doris, or for that job interview? 
It might not be even your post on Facebook or MySpace, but a friend that caught you in a potentially awkward situation. 
The best cure is an ounce of prevention (or for you sport-loving guys, the best offense is a good defense) 
Think before you post.
Once something gets up on the web, it can be tough to get it to go away. So always think twice before uploading that picture, or posting that comment, whether it's something about you, or a friend, think first. While the openness of the Internet is cool, it can be problematic when it erodes your privacy.

To learn more about the issue - Read this article:
And about the difficult task of erasing something:

Also, Mike (Being the geek I am) has had limited success in getting something expunged from the web for someone. We can give tips or try to help if you don't have any success getting rid of something yourself.. Talk to Amy or Mike - and that would be confidential, too.

So use the web wisely, surf safely, don't belittle on your blog, freak out on Facebook and....
Think twice before you Twitter!

Today - Read -n- Reflect in the Bible -  Proverbs 14:15-18 

Have a Blessed Week!
Praying for you all,
Mike & Amy
RPC YA Group

P.S. - Don't Forget - Pizza and Discussion Group ("Denominational Differences") this Friday 02/13/09 7pm @ our Homestead. For more info - send us an email!

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