Howdy RPC YAs
Every think WHY so many people listened to Jesus back in the day? There were plenty of teachers in Jerusalem alone. Why did people pick Jesus, basically a homeless guy, over them? I started wondering about that, and came up with a few clues.
Jesus made what he said relevant to the daily lives of those who listened. Whatever was affecting their life at that moment, he cured the issue, then used that to teach. Cured their ills. Fed the hungry. Let them see that sins were forgiven. No matter their stature in life, they were welcomed to where he was.
Jesus freed people with His Words. Jesus' teaching was not just "status quo". He taught what the people needed even if it challenged popular teaching. However, He wasn't belligerent. Jesus accepted those that came to Him, and invited them into His fold. He met them where they were, and brought them alongside Him, A beggar, wealthy man, fishermen, or tax collector, made no difference.
Jesus didn't care if the whole crowd "got it" He left the door open for personal interpretation. His teachings are still relevant today because of this. He reaches you where were last week, are today, and next week too.
Jesus had the Power of the Holy Spirit. Those miracles He performed opened eyes, which caused open ears, and finally, opened hearts. If you've ever left a service feeling uplifted, totally touched by a missional outreach, or just left pondering one point from a sermon, that's the Holy Spirit working in you, too. Jesus as man, acted upon that.
Jesus teaching was brief. One thought. One action. One phrase. He let you dwell on and in those words or deed. Something short for people to think about. To remember. And to share with others. Jesus expected others to share what they experienced
Jesus taught in the moment. He used what was right there - right now - to teach those that listened. He didn't have a teaching "schedule". He taught when it was needed, and where. A Fig Tree. A Garden. Along the Road. In a Home. On the Street. Where the people were, that became the classroom or pulpit. A bird, a tree, a rock, the dirt - that was His PowerPoint.
His teaching "style" made it easy for people to share the stories, and the moments he had taught to them. If you've accepted Jesus as both Man and God, the One you wish to follow, How do you answer these questions...
- What are you doing to help those that listen to you, to follow along the same path?
- What talents have you been given that you can develop for your "teaching style"?
- Do you share, and make it easy for people to share, your stories and moments of faithfulness?
Scripture to Ponder:
Psalm 139:23-24 -
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
What's Coming up for RPC YAs
re:Fresh Wednesday Night at 6:30pm
Sunday 11/15/09 6:30pm - Community Praise and Prayer at RPC. Bring some canned goods with you for donation to those in need!
Saturday 11/21/09 - Join the YAs for a Road Trip to Philadelphia Premium Outlets in Limrick.
Also, Check the Calendar for RPC, lots of great ways to be involved and connected in the coming months!
Have a question, or a need? Let us be your Stepping Stone!
Peace to Your House,
Mike & Amy K