Saturday, October 4, 2008

A Gathering is Coming Up...Soon

Read This Bit of Prose,
So Youse in the Knows =p

YAs, all gather round...
A message quite profound,
I give to you this very day....
We'd like to simply say,
We miss you all, and so,
We are asking you to go,
To Applebee's to meet,
For Appetizers - our treat! 

Join us please,
In ones, or twos 
or even threes
Invite a friend
Or perhaps two...
We'd really like...
To see all of you.

Sit a little while...
Or longer if you can
What'ya think?
That sound like a plan?

So Let's us know
Can you make it?
Whatever the answer...
We'll gladly take it.

Contact Mike & Amy 
For the Scoop

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